The piano movie jane campion
The piano movie jane campion

It is quite depressing and morbid … but I do not see this as a bad thing. Interestingly, this is apparently the last film Kurt Cobain watched before dying. So, with this in mind, it may be difficult to keep this short but – believe me – I shall try. Jane Campion’s The Piano has so much depth – visually rooted in Gothic and Victorian imagery, a subject and context that feeds directly into the story and subtext of feminism and masculinity. For one they are not reviews, they are more breakdowns of specific aspects and exploration of the links that these details show.

the piano movie jane campion the piano movie jane campion the piano movie jane campion

“ There is a silence where hath been no sound / There is a silence where no sound may be / In the cold grave, under the deep deep sea.

The piano movie jane campion